I am getting ready to write my first Letter to the Editor. Our state Senator was just appointed ambassador to China thus allowing our Governor to appoint someone to take his place. In our local paper today there was an article regarding the Governor's reaction to another Senator, outside of our state, calling him to weigh in on his appointee. According to the article Gov. Bullock told U.S. Senate Majority Leader to "butt out"... stating it is"...none of your damn business.". I am embarrassed and ashamed of our Governor and these statements. I thought was rude, certainly not a class act.. Instead of being rude and arrogant he could have been awesome. It takes no longer to act in an awesome manner as it does to be hostile and rude. So for our Governor, (and for all of us) here are just a few ways he could have been awesome!
Be grateful not grudging
Watch, or listen, to others, they have a lot to teach us.
Be willing to share what you learn, teaching others makes you do it better
Think like a beginner. Beginners know they don't know everything and they need to pay close attention,
Believe in yourself,
Learn from your failures
Have a sense of humor
Give more than you get
Never be a critic without presenting an alternative